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Quality Policy

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Quality Policy

Quality Policy


We at BGC aspire to establish a system of quality assurance. Which would on a continual basis, evaluates the training imparted at the Institute, improve the teaching-learning processes and ultimately develop the Institutes as a centre of Excellence.


We perceive to be globally acclaimed centre of excellence in technical education & research; Catalyzing innovation & best academic practices resulting in enhanced quality for all our stakeholders.


Dissemination of research oriented technical education in emerging disciplines aimed at producing skilled man power suiting to ht ever changing needs of the industry in the wake of globalization and industrialization, sustaining Indian ethical & moral values.

Principle Objectives:

  • To provide an academically ambient for its stakeholders to develop as technologically superior, socially conscious & nationally responsible citizens.
  • To generate inducting oriented competent manpower to meet the needs of globalization and cut throat competitions.
  • To provide state-of- the-art equipment for R & D facilities in specific areas of Engg. & technology for intra-mural research & development, education and training.
  • To provide advanced knowledge how to students in the new areas of relevance through value addition programming.
  • To provide effective linkage b/w industry and our Institute for sponsored research & consultancy.
  • To ensure regular up-gradation of knowledge and skills of faculty to keep pace with fast changing technology.
  • To acquire national & international accreditation.
  • To develop the institute into a centre of excellence & covet the university status.
  • Fusion of learning with universal spirit of common good etheirs & vedic preaching.