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The library of BGC has around 10,000 books of different disciplines. Book bank facilities are provided to each student. The library has more than 50 different magazines, technical journals to enhance the knowledge of students.


The National Digital Library of India (NDLI) is an all-digital library that stores information (metadata) about different types of digital contents including books, articles, videos, audios, thesis and other educational materials relevant for users from varying educational levels and capabilities. It provides a single-window search facility so that learners can retrieve the right resources with the least effort in minimum time. NDLI is designed to hold content of any language and provide interface support for the leading vernacular languages. It is available on all popular forms of access devices including mobile apps on Android and iOS platforms.

Features of NDLI

  • Educational materials are available for users ranging from primary to post-graduate levels.
  • NDL has been designed to benefit all kinds of users like students (of all levels), teachers, researchers, librarians, library users, professionals, differently abled users and all other lifelong learners.
  • Information can be personalized based on the education level, choice of language, difficulty level, media of content and such other factors. This is thus like a ‘customized service’ provided in a 24x7 integrated environment where learners can find out the right resource with least effort and in minimum time.
  • Repository hosts contents from multiple subject domains like Technology, Science, Humanities, Agriculture and others.
  • More than 60 types of learning resources are available - books, articles, manuscripts, video lectures, thesis, etc.
  • Items are available in more than 70 languages.
  • Repository integrates contents from different Indian Institutional Repositories.